SCCA Bylaw Voting Opened to Members

The Sports Car Club of America® is conducting a vote to approve a change in the Club’s Bylaws
from February 13-March 14, 2024. All annual members of the SCCA in good standing are
encouraged to vote. The proposed change in the Bylaws and the voting process are described in
detail below.

The proposed Bylaws change would strengthen term limits on members of the Club who are elected
to the National SCCA Board of Directors. Currently, a member in good standing can hold a Director
position for two consecutive elected terms before having to step down. However, after being off the
Board for a term, the current Bylaws allow that same person to then run for election to the SCCA
Board of Directors again at a later date. The Bylaws proposal would limit members’ eligibility to
serving a maximum of two elected terms total.

In addition, the Bylaws proposal would allow the SCCA Board of Directors the option to appoint a
past Board member to fill a Board position that became vacant mid-term, even if said past Board
member had served two terms on the Board of Directors. Appointing a past Director would allow the
Board to fill the vacancy with someone who could be “up to speed” in the role quickly without
creating an incumbent for the next election cycle.

The proposed Bylaws change reads:
Section 3. Terms.
Directors shall be elected from the various Areas in the indicated year and each third year
thereafter as follows:
2003     Areas 1, 5, 7, 8 and 13
2004     Areas 2, 6, 10 and 12
2005     Areas 3, 4, 9 and 11
The normal term for Directors shall commence on January 1st following their election and
shall terminate on the third succeeding January 1st. No person shall be elected to more than
two consecutive terms as a Director whether or not such terms are consecutive; provided,
however, that a partial term served by a person appointed to fill a vacancy pursuant to
Section 5, below, shall not count against such person’s limit of two elected terms.

For most members, voting takes place electronically via the SCCA’s Member Account Portal (MAP). 
The SCCA National Office assumes members are “opted in” to electronic delivery of ballots unless
they have specifically “opted out.” Those who opted out should have already received physical
ballots in the mail.
If you didn’t receive a ballot in the mail, here is what you need to do to vote electronically. Visit and log in by clicking the button immediately to the left of the shopping cart on the top right
corner of the page.

Clicking on the button, should open a menu similar to the one below.

From the menu, select “Manage Membership”. This takes you to the log in page for the MAP similar
to the one shown below.

Once you are logged in to MAP, you will see a screen similar to the one below with a menu of
options running across the top of the screen above the words “My Profile”.

Position your cursor on the menu option “Member Resources”. A new menu should extend
downward. At the bottom of this menu, select “Surveys and Voting”. This is where you cast your

For those voting physical ballots, please remember completed ballots should NOT be returned to the
SCCA office. Instead, votes will be tallied by Mize CPAs Inc. A postage paid return envelope is
included with the ballot for your convenience.

All ballots must be received by Mize CPAs Inc. by March 14, 2024, at 5 p.m. CT.