Conference Call Info
712-770-3695 –> Pin: 206262
- Meeting Minutes
- Treasurer’s Report
- Website/Social Media
- Membership Report
- Competition Board Reports
- Comp Board General Items
- Road Racing
- Harvey West
- Mid Summer Classic event schedule
- RallyCross
- Solo / TNiA
- Track Event at DCTC
- Old Business
- Track Night Grant
- New Business
Board Members: Mary Utecht, Mark Utecht, Julie Hammons, Kirk Bendix, John Hertsgaard, Aaron Jongbloedt , Jimmy Griggs, Glen Wilson, Emily Jenkins
Guests: Brian Chabot, Dale Hammons, Chuck Marcy. Andrew Jenkins, Rob Woolston, Karen Carson, Chris Orr
- Meeting Minutes
- Tabled until next month
- Treasurer’s Report
- Down payments for BIR events have been made.
- Audit has been completed with no issues. The 2018 taxes have been filed.
- Thank you to Chris Orr and Orr Motorsports for sponsoring the Saturday night dinners.
- Website/Social Media
- Website looks wonderful. Andrew will be loading tech documents.
- The VIP program details have been posted to the website and the merchandise is now available.
- The MSR text message blaster has beenpurchased for use at the road races
- Membership Report
- 546
- Competition Board Reports
- Comp Board General Items
- Road Racing
- Time Trial discussion for last race of the year – can it fit into the schedule?
- There was schedule for each of the remaining races – should we go back go back to traditional race groups for the Mid-Summer Classic and Jack Pine Sprints.
- The drivers will be polled at the Memorial Day race.
- The trophies ordered and completed for Harvey West
- RallyCross
- The latest Rallycross was held on May 4 th . There were 24 drivers. June 8 th is the next event.
- Another safety steward was certified at the event with another on the way.
- Solo / TNiA
- The schedule has been set with Met Council and there are several events coming up this month.
- Track Event at DCTC
- The Spring Track Event was held on April 28th and was well attended. There were 38 drivers and overall was a successful event.
- Comp Board General Items
- Old Business
- Track Night Grant
- The funds have been received from the National Office. Mark and Andrew will work on ordering the equipment
- Spring Training
- Track Night Grant
- New Business
- Summer Nationals
- Talks have started with the organizers about the format of this years event.
- New Drivers
- A couple of WRL drivers have completed licenses applications to run this summer.
- Safety Truck
- The Board Approved purchase of safety equipment and second light bar.
- Summer Nationals