Meeting April 10, 2019

Conference Call Info

712-770-3695 –> Pin: 206262


  • Meeting Minutes
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Website/Social Media  
  • Membership Report
  • Competition Board Reports
    • Comp Board General Items
      • Tech Days
    • Road Racing
      • Review how scheduling will be handled going forward; Comp Board will take control of event schedule / must approve proposed schedule that is in best interest of drivers and volunteers
      • Harvey West schedule is already approved by CenDiv; no changes will be made
      • Update on WRL/Champcar Licensing exemption
    • RallyCross
    • Solo / TNiA
    • Track Event at DCTC
  • Old Business
    • Track Night Grant
    • Spring Training 
  • New Business


Board Members: Mary Utecht, Mark Utecht, Julie Hammons, Kirk Bendix, John Hertsgaard, Aaron Jongbloedt , Jimmy Griggs
Guests: Brian Chabot, Dale Hammons, Chuck Marcy

  • Meeting Minutes
    • Approved as written
  • Treasurer’s Report
    • Track Rental deposit has been paid.
    • Working on Schmidt Towing contract.
  • Website/Social Media
    • Events have been posted to Facebook pages
  • Membership Report
    • 534
  • Competition Board Reports
    • Comp Board General Items
      • Tech Days will be held May 5th at Westside VW and at the April 28th Track Event
    • Road Racing
      • Schedule for HW set and registration scheduled open in a couple of days.
      • A Committee is reviewing schedule for midsummer schedule. Discussion of including Time Trials at the Mid-Summer classic.
    • RallyCross
      • Last event had 22 competitors but they weren’t able to get on course. Event wasn’t charged
      • Next event is May 4th
    • Solo / TNiA
      • Track Night in America schedule is out. They will be looking for volunteers
    • Track Event at DCTC
      • Next event is at Dakota County Tech on April 28th. Registration is open.
  • Old Business
    • Track Night Grant
      • We have been awarded the Track Night Grant. We will start ordering equipment as soon as funds are received.
    • Spring Training
      • Attendees thought it was time well spent. There was lots of discussion regarding time trials and scheduling.
    • Driver Recruitment
      • Driver crossover from WRL and Champcar was discussed. The main hurdle seems to be licensing and not knowing where to go. Andrew Jenkins creating a checklist that can be used for getting WRL drivers the required licenses.
  • New Business
    • Track Rabbit
      • A new motorsports registration program that has been soliciting us. We will evaluate as we encounter this throughout the summer.
    • MSR
      • Julie will research purchasing package to include ability to send text messages during an event.